yeah I actually just checked that site, and it doesnt say anything about over stock after all, it doesnt say anything about performance gains or mileage in any way shape or form for the 1300 dollar set-up, go figure. doesnt sound that good to me, 1300 dollars and no details before purchase......hmmmmm. Anyhow, the fifty percent thing can mean anything, but it deosnt necessarily mean stock, because it doesnt mention anything about it on their page, thats why its ambiguous-I got this when I talked to them on the phone, he told me a 50% improvement in power, but he could not or would not tell me what that entailed, if it was 50% over a holley 390, or a edelbrock 500, or triple dueces, or stock, on a performance motor/non performance motor-the donor motor that he used to get these figures off of of course. heck I didnt even tell him what motor I had and he told me I would get 50%, seems like gains would be greater on some motors than others, and that they cant just arbitrarily say 50% to all motors, ya see what I'm saying??? Thoughts anyone?

you can lead people to truth, but you can't make them see it!