Let me restate what I said..."What I Do" on the first in shop run is to get it hot enough to boil the water 220+. An engine's initial run should be used to bring oil and coolant up to temperature , with little or no load, then shut down and allowed to cool to ambient temperature. This is important. After each run the engine needs to completely cool down to ambient temperature. After a cool down period, start it up again and take the ride as Mike G said "I try to run a newly built engine at various speeds and loads for the first 500 miles. I don't baby the engines but I try to avoid long stretches of steady highway driving during that time. Even on short highway runs I will use some slow down and then full throttle acceleration burst to put vacuum and then pressure on the rings." I JUST HAVE HAD BETTER LUCK WITH USING HIGHER TEMPS DURING THE FIRST 2/3 HEAT CYCLES. I just think that 75% of the cyl. wall to ring sealing happens during this time.The more oil that you suck up on the cyl walls driving around slow and lugging the motor at 160/180 temp. is just going to glaze the walls. Just remember guys "I AM JUST ANOTHER GUY WITH A OPINION" SCRAP

Jerry Davis II#4711

ol Smokey said "one test is worth a thousand expert opinions."