If you are considering building a manifold without a plenum, I believe you will have MAJOR problems using YH's as they are nowhere near large enough for this type manifold on a Chevy 235.

I would highly suggest either building a manifold with a plenum, or why not pick up a 53-54 Corvette unit to start.

If you really want to build the manifold without the plenum, consider using 3 large 2-barrel carbs instead of the 3 single-barrel YH's.

Choking will depend on the type of configuration. For a no-plenum set-up, you cannot run a primary/secondary set-up; all carburetors must work all the time. Using this type setup, if you need a choke on one, then you need a choke on all. If you don't need a choke, then you can have no choke or chokes on any or all. If you have a manifold with a plenum, then you can set the carbs up either as a primary/secondary or 3 primary. If you use the primary/secondary, then a choke, if needed, would be used on the center carb only.

If you do the manifold without the plenum, I have no clue as to where to begin jetting. I really don't think it will matter if you try to use the YH's without the plenum.


Good carburetion is fuelish hot air
The most expensive carburetor you will ever buy, is the incorrect one you attempt to modify!!!