Well... I got an adjustable pivot ball and that works great..... but the clutch still does not dis-engauge. Because of the new adjustable ball the fork travel is not limited in any way.
I have the car with all 4 wheels off the ground. I start the engine with the clutch pedal to the floor and tranny in gear. The rear tires are turning and when I pull the emergency brake it loads the engine.
Using the pushrod to adjust and the pedal up.... I have the T/O bearing maybe 1/8" from the fingers to max out on the throw distance.
I am out of ideas here! The zbar is what controls the amount of throw(best I can tell). If the lenght of the arms on the zbar were off ...the throw distance would be different...right? Zbar is new purchased from chevy2only. I posted 3 more pics here of my setup: http://community.webshots.com/album/86356492fGDxkm
This weekend ... since I measured all the distances when I assembled the clutch I plan to drimel a hole in the lower part of the bell housing so I can see if the disc is being released(chevy2 bells do not have another way to view it)... I can put I rubber plug in it later. If someone could send me the length of the arms from their chevy2 62-67 Zbar I would like to compare it to mine.... Any other ideas of what else could control the throw...please send them!

Thanks, Clyde