Originally posted by automotivebreath:
…I'm not asking you to buy it, believe it or anything of the sort. If you don't believe it works, by all means don't get involved.

On the other hand those who are interested can gain from my experience. I'm studying the modification and educating myself on the changes in my engines performance. Have been modifying engines for over 30 years so grinding on engine parts is nothing new.

I have over 15 engines running with the modification. I can provide details to any one interested in testimonials. If things go as planned I will be able to provide scientific evidence later this year. Until that documentation is available we will depend on testimonials, believe them if you like….
I have been involved with this for over a year. First I had to prove the it work to myself using traditional “seat of the pants”, time slip & fuel consumption methods. Once I proved the value to myself; I went further by proving it to others by modifying their cars (just to be sure I wasn’t illusional). Convinced of the benefits I set out to determine how to document the value, I don’t expect people to believe me a virtual nobody. Like I said earlier:

“ If things go as planned I will be able to provide scientific evidence later this year”

This will come at a cost, before I jump in I will know exactly what I want to do and how it should be done.