The only part of the system that I would recommend you NOT hot tank is the valve itself. The acids in the soup will literally eat up the spring inside, and you may have a lot of trouble finding a replacement.

An alternative is to have the parts cooked in an oven. All the paint and the sludge inside the pipes will turn to powder, which can then be removed by pouring some BB's inside and shaking around for a while. But again, DON'T cook the valve itself because the heat will damage the spring.

You can go to your local parts house a buy a can of carburetor parts dip for about $15. Berryman Cleaner is about the best I've used, and I'm sure there are other brands that work just as well. Soak the valve in that stuff for several days to a week, and agitate the fluid for several minutes about 2 or 3 times a day if possible. It'll turn out nice and clean inside.

Paint it whatever color flips your switch I like to do stuff the original color that it came with when it was new, regardless. But I have seen multicolored paint schemes that look as though a bodyman spent weeks on it. Just have fun with your toy!

newbie #4153

newbie #4153