A friend and I am designing a new Mopar Flathead head(but the same principles apply to ALL flatheads). We're to the part where we need to come up with how we want our combustion chamber shaped. Pictured below is a cast from the stock chamber. The intake side is the right(high) side, and the spark plug is almost directly above the intake valve. My main goal is to increase flow into and out of the cylinder. More flow = more power, but only if the chamber is more efficient as well.

Here's my thoughts on improvment. I want to increase the area around the valves(the intake in particular) so they're less shrouded. I'd like to move the spark plug to the edge of the intake valve(torwards the center). I'd like to add more volume about the intake valve as well. To make up this added volume, I want to shorten the area over the cylinder. I think if I make it shorter but steeper, I can gain back compression without loosing to flow into the cylinder it's self. Looking at currently avalible heads, they all have a more abrupt transition to the cylinder than my stock chamber has.

Did I miss anything? Any other ways it could be improved? What makes for a good performing Flathead chamber? Anything that should be avoided? Thanks for the input.