It's tough to buy an old racing engine. They all sound good but after taking it apart the cost to use could be astronomic in todays world. Those carbs are probably worth the most and useless unless your running a vintage drag race organization where you need to use them. E-Bay bait.

It is not cheap to have Joe Hunt or Don Zig redo a magneto especially if yoyu want to hop it up to 5 amp.

If it has a roller cam one bad lifter could ruin your day. If the cam is good it's grind may be " obsolete" by todays standards but good for a regrind if it is steel.

Valves are a pickum along with springs replacemants. Back in the 50's all kinds of oddball stuff was used. The rockers look stock which are ok but everyone today have found or built their own with higher ratios.

A home built intake is definatly not worth what a Howard 5 carb be worth but you can get repops now.

Rods could be boxed and if it has forged pistons they are probably Forgetrue.

Anyway good luck and I'll watch it too...

216.158 MPH 12-Port 302 GMC on 70% 171.0 MPH 302 stock head on gasoline 7 years later