Dear Mr. Lites;

You should really take what these folks are telling you with a "grain of salt".

You see; An HEI igniton system is only needed on an inline engine in specialized conditions. One of these being (required by US Gov.) around 1971 or so, as part of their 'air polution' scam on the public.

Another would be; frezing tempatures.

Another would be; Commercial/high mileage engines.

Another would be; the racing engines you have been learning about. These represent a very small percentage of the total engines Mfg. in this country.

The remainder which have worked just fine since the 1930s makes this whole concept simply "food for the rose garden".

Many distributers use a rotor with an semi-circular tip which compensates in (V-8s) using a chain driven camshaft.

Good luck with your racing.

John M..........

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon