I always wonder when talking about electronic ignition it comes down to HEI or Pertronix.

This isnīt e-ignition its only e-points.

The Thyristor ignition box on my 41 Sedan does other things.

Operates from 4,0 up to 18 volts.
Always the same spark power in the whole voltage range (at 4,0 volts too).
No decrease of the ignition power up to the highest rpm with the normal ignition coil.
30% higher ignition power at 70 F
Increasing ignition power at decreasing temperature; 100% more that m 32 F
Best start conditions in winter.
No current flow through the coil, when ignition is switched on, the breaker point is closed and the engine is not running.
Automatic adaption of the spark voltage to the gap.
Best ignition spark: DC spark with a duration of .5 to 1.5 ms; no AC spark with all its disadvantages. points much more than 100 000 Km (70 000 miles), no contact eroding.
No adjusting of the dwell necessary, the opening of the breaker point controls the whole igniting procedure.
Build-in indicator lamp, usable for testing contact circuitry and to adjust and test the trigger point of ignition.

Everything stays stock you only rout the coil wires throu the box.

Thatīs what I call an improofment not only getting rid of the points.

I keep my points stock and they last almost for ever becaus only minimal current is used as they only act as a trigger for the box. Donīt ever have to care about dwell ether. If the box fails I go back to stock in seconds.

I made a simple switch to switch betwen stock and the box while idle or drive. And you can tell that it makes a big difference.


To old to die young.