
You asked what a Deppe head is. There's a guy named Joe Deppe in Indiana that sells roundy-round 4-bangers to compete with the Fontana circle track engines and such. He also has aluminum heads and blocks for Chevy L6's. My understanding, and this may or may not be correct, is they are either copies or updates on the Duggan engine. I found him about a year ago, way before I found this website and FANTASTIC organization.

I ordered a head from him some time back for my next-generation 292, but haven't recieved it yet. The photographs he sent of the parts have the ports appearing to be about as big as a modern big-block prostock head. Except it's 12-port, all on the same side (driver's), with the intakes pointed 45 degrees up and the exhausts pointed in the normal horizontal direction. If it ever comes, I'll be a happy man!

newbie #4153

newbie #4153