I have no comment regarding the headlights with wipers situation. But as far as every other moving vehicle violation I imagine it is just a matter of ratio. Unless you live in vacuum someplace off the well travelled path you'll notice the number of cars driving on any given highway or secondary road at any given point in time has increased dramatically in the last 10 years or so. The number of police and sheriff types that patrol these roads has not increased in the same proportion. Is it any wonder why people run red lights or stop signs, pass over a double solid line, pass on the right or better still in the breakdown lane of a highway? Posting speed limits or lane use restrictions on most roads seems like such a waste of the highway departments time. No one pays much attention to them. Even fewer drivers have any hint of the right of way laws that govern a 4 way stop intersection. Let's not even mention who has the right of way at a cross intersection - the vehicle going straight or the oncoming vehicle attempting to turn left in front of it. The closest thing resembeling driver to driver courtesy seems to the single fingered salute.

In the long run having the lights and wiper law on the books might just end up as more ink on a page. I have to wonder how many won't bother and also who will be there to cite them when they ignore it?

Mike G ( 4355 )

Mike G #4355