I missed seeing the "World's Fastest Indian" when it came out in the theaters. I heard from the gearheads who saw it, it was great! It's not just for bikers, it's a movie for all who believe in the Motorsport Field that you can build it, run it, and enjoy it on your own budget. Don't worry about what other people say, just do it! My wife bought the DVD off Amazon for $12.99 and I've watched it 3 times already. You see something different every time you watch it! I recommend it!

PS- I've sold my home in Wisconsin and we are ready to put a bid on another home here just north of Cincinnati in the country. Yes, it has an 800+sq ft detached garage with heat, ac, and plumbed with a huge verticle air compressor! The current owner has a collector car. Funny how birds of a feather find each other! I'll keep y'all posted if it happens. Can't wait to get my Coupe down here!

1940 ChoppedChevyCoupe

Loud Pipes Saves Lives!