Well; it finally came to (CARS) DirecTV.

These people spent a lot of time on this one, as mentioned. I don't know if it beats American G. though?? A great film, good for all the family and us "car buffs" too. Watch the credits all the way through. \:\)

If anyone has a teenager in the house or knows someone that does; My friends film PURGATORY HOUSE (written by a 14 yr old girl)) is on sale in DVD format. This is a "must see" for those struggling with adolescense. It's an (anti suicide/drug) message rated (R) and one 'teens' can/will relate too. www.purgatoryhouse.com

Also; The film titled; WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR, is still haveing trouble finding a 'distribution' deal' and this isn't a surprise.

Happy trails. \:\)

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon