well hell!
as long as we're counting......3) 261s, 1) 235, 1) 250, 1) 292 & now......I BY GOD GOT A 302 GMC!!!! i haven't had a chance to brag yet this seems like as good a place as any. my dad & brother spotted it in an old yard a ways south of here. it appeared to have sat in the open in a bare chassis for years & maybe even under flood waters from a nearby creek. i knew it would be a gamble but it was just iron to the yard owner & he took $75.00 for it!!
when i got it home & torn down i found original gmc bearings on a beautiful crankshaft! ( thank god there was enough oil down there! ) #2 thru 6 cyl. bores had only light rust & very little ridge on the original cyl. bores. #1 was where most of the flood water ended up & froze & busted the cyl. wall from inside out. good news is that even before we unloaded it from my truck my machinist said that if the rest of the block checked out a sleeve would take care of it. AND IT DID & SO DID THE HEAD!!! no other cracks anywhere! best 75 bucks i ever spent! altho i'm still & always will be a big 261 fan, i'd never been into gmc before & have to admit it's far superior to the chevrolet.
it's partially reassembled for now & stored in the mini barn behind my shop. it'll go in my '50 coupe when i get my truck finished. i'm thinking i'll weld up an aluminum intake for 3 holley webers when the time comes. thanks for letting me brag guys!
p.s. i don't know anybody who has enough of anything they like!

inliner # 3850