For the past few days I have been installing and configuring an upgraded version of our bulletin board. The present version is no longer supported and as I have been having a number of problems with it on our new web server I decided it was time to move on, the new version is the same UBBthreads that most of the other sites use, I was able to upgrade for a fraction of the cost of a new subscription. At least to start out with however, the board will look little different than it does now, it won't have all the extra boxes of stuff all over the page. I was able to bring in all the old forums and settings so we won't loose anything, I just have to get an answer about a partial import to preserve the posts from the last week or so. Let me have any input from you now, and expect an announcement that the board will be offline for a couple of hours sometime in the middle of the week. Thanks for your support (I hope), Tim

Tim Tenold