Here's another bit of an update on the '50.

My boys and I have installed the front fenders, resolving the front fender to body and door to body rubber seal problem. The factory rubber for this area was all but gone, and there is no current re-manufacture of these parts, so we had to improvise. We used a rubber profile (GM?) that we had laying around to use in it's place, and it worked out great, looking like a factory detail. The original rubber in this area sealed the front fender to the body and the leading edge of the door to the body all in one piece.

The car is looking more complete now, especially with the grill sitting in it's place for a mockup. the grill has a bit of damage, so it will have to be repaired before being mounted. I installed some more of the stainless for a bit of instant gratification too, which motivates me to get more done!
