so I got this cam grinder who says he can regrind my cam to whatever I pretty much want for my 261, so question being what is stock duration, and lift/ centerline lobe seperation? The next being is that I want a good performance cam like a clifford 264, or patricks rumpy cam, f-298? or langdons bulldog specs? does anyone know what the specs on what these cams are, so that I can tell the grinder what I need, or can any of you tell me what kind of specs I could use, so that i can get some good grunt out of this thing? I would preferably like a good choppy type of idle but would like to cruise in od at 2000-ish comfortably, its in a 56 chevy truck half ton, will have a new and rebuilt later style 12 bolt chevy with 3.40 gears, headders and a couple of webers, and maybe a little minimal porting and polishing, but nothing too crazy on the head, and should be bored .060 or .080, totaling 269-271 cubic inches, any help guys????

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