awesome job sir, looks like if I build it the way that I am hoping for then I should be a able to get great torque for cruising at 2100-2200 RPM, thats where I was afraid I might not have any reasonale umph if I started getting too wild with this motor, so it looks like I am in good shape, and wow, they even got good power at lower RPM with that bigger cam too, coo coo cachoo. I would love to see those specs that you spoke of!!! I did look at delta's web site but couldnt get any specs just info about HOW they do their work, so it looks like I am shooting for 264-268 advertised duration, with about .470 lift at the valves, and about 102-110 lobe seperation, does this sound pretty good to have low end grunt and some top end pull to about 4000-4500 RPM????? any other advice at all guys??? Oh on a side note, are mechanicals a LOT louder under the hood than hydraulics?? cause I think I want a smooth runner with good exhaust note, ya know????

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