I think the longgest stud ARP makes is 1 1/4 on the bottom side.
My only thought is If you really need to save that head and was not going with a High Lift or High rpm cam. To me about the only way to fix that stud mount would be Make the spacer out of steel
Get the Longgest Stud(bottom), And have the spacer tig weld.But
the other problem I see that would come into Play is You would
NEVER match the treads already in the head.(if you was able to Tap the new spacer).Another Idea/way would be to maybe??BIG??
would be to make the steel spacer a Short Grade 8 bolt Match the treads to the rocker stud. Now make a short stud that would go deeper into the head Treads wise ,Screw the spacer onto that.
Tig weld it to the head. Then use a short bottom rocker stud.

Mind you still this could still end up being only a temporary
fix.But i would think it would have to be better then the alum spacer. Now if it broke What i see happening is Trash into the block ,Now you have trashed bearings,Scored who knows what along the way. AND no dout a Over Heated motor Now whats else Cracked Block from over heating????
So I'd say go with what you gut tells you. BUT personaly I'd just find another head and just play with that one.

[oooooo] smile
Adding CFM adds boost smile
shocked God doesn't like ugly.