my youngest brother has been using his 65 nova w/t manual brakes, as a daily driver for the past month or two. Ran great for a few weeks, then it overheated, he couldnt figure out why that was happened, no strange smoke out the tailpipe, no bubbles in the radiator, removed the thermostat to be on the safe side, although it opened and closed fine in heated water, started the car up, drove it another couple days trouble free, then it overheated again but this time the car flat wouldnt move, come to find out, the rear brakes are locking up for no apparent reason, emergency brake is completely released that doesnt seem to be it, hes convinved the brake cylinders are bad, but I thought it was kinda strange for both sides to go bad at the same time. reason he suspects both rear brakes, is the last time things went south, smoke was rolling off each rear brake drum by the time he got home, suggesting the brakes were engaging for no reason. I really have no idea what makes up a manual brake system, so I dont have much to offer him in the way of help. I would think it would be something before the brakes causing the problem or maybe his bad luck runs in twos, I dunno.