Originally Posted By: Mean buzzen half dozen A.K.A. Hank
it says,the the theory of bigger is better is incorrect way of thinking.


I never said bigger was better. You may have forgot that I wrote dual 3" would likely behave as an open exhaust. The article only suggests pipe diameter in regards to velocity, makes no assumption about the need for an exhaust pipe, only assumes you would be using one.

The link would suggest as I had, attention should be paid to velocity, if trying to move the exhaust over a given areas, we all agree.

What it didnt state and I was implying, is there really is no know way to determine when velocity is lost nor when a given pipe diameter would behave much like open exhaust. Granted I was speculating but Id imagine a stock 250 with dual 3" would behave much like a stock 250 with open exhaust. Considering a single 3" by most, would be considered good for 300hp. Throw in the reality that slower moving sound waves produce a deeper tone and Id personally find the tone (too large pipe) more pleasing than a sharper/higher/louder tone. Considering the low power output to start with, the difference is likely to be negligible either way you go if properly tuned.

If you wanted to get highly technical, you would likely have to use multiple diameters of pipe, not just one. As you would want a smaller diameter pipe as the exhasust cools over a given length.

Last edited by inline300; 12/25/08 12:24 PM.