Originally Posted By: Heater63

Are you talking about the old cast iron Chevy bellhousing??

Yes I have the cast iron bellhousing.

I would think it should provide "gentle support" but not be too rigid -definately rubber, not polyurethane in my opinion.

The 'not too rigid' is my concern. Every driveline develops a twist (torque) during it's highest acceleration. I was concerend that securing the tailshaft might keep this from happenning and create a loud snap, a blood red mess on the road, a wrecker bill and several profanities.

I was considering using the S10 mount that has a single bolt to hold the mount to the crossmember and then I was going fabricate a 3 piece crossmemeber that would have 2 isolators on each side attaching the flanges to the piece the motor mount is attached to. Do you think that might be too loose?
I was also considering making some supports that attach to the bellhousing mount bolts. I've seen something similar at the junkyard on 4 wheel drive S10's.

Basically, I'm trying to make my T5 tailshaft housing last forever. I had a tough time finding a good used T5 with a mechanical speedo for less than $150 that didn't need $250 worth of parts.

My son can't wait to take this truck to the track to see what it will do, but I'm not willing to push it that hard until I figure out the transmission rear mount issue.

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then read the directions and try again.