I thought the 235/261 bypass filters dumped back into the sump.
I think I was wrong on that.

No, you're right - I was thinking of a much bigger line.
A turbo drain has to be at least 1/2" ID (bigger is harmless), because the oil leaving the bearing is aerated. The drain can go anywhere that connects to the pan, but it must be below the turbo bearing, and should go only down-hill (no up or level stretches).
If it goes to the pushrod cover it's going to overburden the drains there. The front cover is a possible, but that's a "busy" area with no advantages.
In the pan: has to be above the oil level, so if it's toward the rear it should be a bit higher to allow for oil surge on acceleration.
There's no pressure, so any high-temp hose and clamps is OK as long as it doesn't come off!
I like a bulkhead fitting in the pan wall, since you can install it without welding (I can't weld, so I try to work around it just for my own convenience). You can take off the line or change the angle without disturbing the pan.