Thanks a TON for the calculations and the time to figure what I'd be looking at.
I am planning an OD trans and figured a gear change was in order as well. Lump ports were in the plan, as well as some bigger valves. Probably an HEI and a carb also.
I'm not looking for anything 'powerful' for this vehicle as it will be strickly a cruiser for my wife, our 16month old daughter and myself. The wife and I took my custom '84 half ton truck on the 07 power tour and would love to do it again.......a smooth running wagon would be cool for that! It would also be big enough to haul all the toddler gear that goes with a small child. If this thing was built with power, I'd be tempted to use it and push the envelope, if it's a good combo that isn't tempting me to smash the loud pedal, I think that's a better set-up. We have other cars for 'spirited' driving.
I truly appreciate everyone's input, even if it's suggesting that I not try this combo. How else am I gonna learn?
Thanks again!

".....don't give up a TURBO more than makes up for all of this BS." Turbo-6