Guys, its just a "working truck", not a street machine. And believe it or not, its my wifes truck, so blown, slammed, tubs, flame paint job - no no, wrong direction. Really tho, it sounds more like this motor (which is the one it came with) probably just is too small for the size truck, and I really just want a little more smirk on my face, not a whole fat grin. I'll keep the 250 - cost nothing to keep, and I like the 6 vs a V8 as it seems everyone has a 350 in their truck, so I like the different path. I do have stock compression pistons, not zero decked (I like my $3.50 87 pump gas - its a trade off I know). I haven't done a compression check, but I'm less than 5000mi on the rebuild. There's no unusual blowby so I don't think I have a compression issue. It is probably overcammed, so rather than pop for yet another cam and lifters, I just thought the Rhoads would salvage the existing situation, get me 2-5 more inches vac, thereby a few more mpg and make the trips to the pump just a little more tolerable. And make pulling up hill in 5th that much better too. BTW, yes, its duals, 2.75" I think, with nothing special for mufflers - they exit LHS & RHS under the cab, and the sound is fine...thoughts on this?