So anyway, back to my motors...(I don't mind the hi-jack, BTW-a good discussion is well worth it, no matter how it comes about)

I sent then to the machinist about a month ago. I told him I wasn't in a big hurry, so no rush. His shop is near ours, so I have been checking in on them from time to time. Last Wednesday, I stopped by and he told me that they have passed all inspections and are worthy to be re-built. I told him that I have a wish list, and that I would be back Friday to sit down and decide what I could get done for the money I have saved up. He said that he had to close up early on Friday, and I ended up working late anyway, so I didn't stop by.

So last night, I'm sitting home watching the news on TV, and there is a story about a new movie about Ab Jenkins and the Mormon Meteor.

During the news piece, I saw my machinist! Turns out, he's the guy they hired to rebuild the motor in the Mormon Meteor. They were interviewing him at the premier of the movie. That's why he had to close up early yesterday. I've had this guy do work for me in the past, and he comes highly recommended, but now I have an even better feeling about how my 292's are gonna run when he's done with them!