Guys...thanks for the tips. Here's an update to the saga. I tried everything short of an Electric pump and even though I'd put a few gallons of gas in the tank I decided why not fill the tank and see what happens. Well sure enough as soon as i filled the tank my Fuel pump starts pumping like it used to. Finally my filter was full and i could see gas squirting in there like gang busters!

Driving away from the gas station I could tell right away that my drivability was back to where it used to be. I no longer bog down when i hit the throttle.

I happily drove down the road to a friends warehouse where I was gonna do some body work.
We were all set to get out the torch when I smelled gas! I looked under the car and gas is dripping down from my sending unit like crazy!!!!
On further investigation i found that gas was leaking though the threads of one of the screws holding the sending unit on to the tank.

I had recently had the tank coated with the Renu process and I had my mechanic drop the tank and put it back in. It seems he failed to put a washer on one of the screws and I guess it wasnt seated very well causing gas to leak past the threads.

To make a long story even longer...I took it back to the garage and told him to fix it before i sued him for almost kiling me...not to mention the headaches it caused me!

Anyway from this fiasco my theory is that when I only had a few gallons in the tank, that leaking screw hole on the sending unit was above the gas level and therefore was sucking in air...reducing the pressure so that the pump wasn't powerful enough to suck in enough gas. When the tank is full the hole is submerged in gas so that it doesn't suck in i have enough pressure and the pump works like it should.

Does this sound like a logical explaination?