Originally Posted By: Beater of the Pack
This is an interesting topic. It seems that moderation is taboo.

ha! yeah, i get that a lot, mostly from the 'why dontcha stuck a tree fitty innit' mindset. i'm getting better at not taking on projects that will not make me happy. i used to stick to unquestioned assumptions that i now toss aside. also, 160, 180hp *probably* won't break anything. 250 will. It's fun to drive now, i like the "Twin Stick" trans (T96+OD), the dinky axle, "upgrades" to those are $$$$$$ and for what, ultimately? Weight, reduced handling, crappy gas mileage, and more off time than drive time.

Thanks for the pics! Nice carb adapter. I'm lucky -- the trough intake means in only have an exhaust mani, so no interference. Plus it goes on upside down so exh outlet points up.

Previous project was GM TBI on an AMC 232. Worked great! Hated PROM tuning! Never again. Weber 32/36 DGEVs are as fun as a carb ever was, that's the goal, that's what I'm sticking with. Carbon seals concentrate the "problem" in one spot. $500 turbo instead of a $200 turbo, but none of the attendant problems of pressurized carbs and fuel pumps, and no custom EFI which has ramifications back to the gas tank.

HA! SIDE COVERS! yours too? Just pushrods under there? Vestige of OHV conversion of an L head block?