Eddie, im not implying that Headrick purposely misled Leo as to the real reason this lobe advancing was done. But I worked for Jim for 15 years and know first hand he many times "shaded" the facts to keep the subjects like this guarded for obvious reasons. Sometimes, the answers he gave was 180° from the actual facts. Jim didn't even tell his top engine customers everything about their own engines, and they were spending thousands of dollars a year with him, thats how he preserved his knowledge and protected those racers status in the racing venues they raced in. So why do you think that just because someone shows up with a tape recorder and notepad he is just going to spill his lifelong secrets that have made him one of the greatest inline 6 cylinder engine builders of all times and risk loosing a lifetime of accomplishments and clientele. Many, if not all engine builders do that when they really don't want to divulge a "trade secret". Don't be surprised if Mike Kirby, Kay Sissell, Glen Self and others did the same.

Class III CNC Machinist/Programmer