3-4 lbs at idle, 17lbs at 1500, 22 lbs at 3000. The oil pan is off and a few main bearings are out. Something doesn't look right after 1700 miles for sure. If you look at the crank, there is a ridge where the oil galley in the bearing is suppose to ride. The ridge is raised and it feels around .005 There is also some pitting in the bearings as well and there is about a tablespoon of really fine metal in the bottom of the oil pan. It's ground so fine it looks like metallic paint. I haven't had a chance to pull the crank, but at this point I may as well pull the engine. The crank was turned .020/.020 and I did read the bearings and they were stamped 20 over as well, so I'm not sure what happened. Is anybody good at reading bearings? I guess I really won't know until I pull it and start measuring. They certainly don't look oil starved at all. Also, look at the ridge on the edge of the one bearing. My first suspicion - Bad machining, but we'll know soon enough. I hope I can turn that crank again. What's the largest size bearings I can get for these motors?

Since the engine is out and it's tore down again, is there any other modifications I should look at while I'm in there? The head is completely rebuilt, but I'm thinking about decking the head again for a little more compression. How far should I go?


Last edited by PFP; 08/01/12 09:51 AM.