Originally Posted By: Hud I
Have recently acquired a Hudson Jet. It has the 202 in it. I had considered going with the 308 motor because it was a common thing to do in the late 60's and 70's. I have decided to stay with the 202. Does anyone in inline land have any experience with these motors. I have already done the 308 thing and was wondering if these motors had any special things that might be different. Any information would be appreciated. Also would be interested in parts for this motor. Thanks

Check out Brooklands Hudson book if you dont have it already. They discuss a 1954 hopup of the 202 jet taking top speed from 93mph to 110mph. My Gonkulator puts what they did at about 150hp vs the stock 130hp from the hottest 1956 twin-carb versions. Cam, headers, milled head, usual stuff from the era.

I never had a Hudson tho my dad worked at Hudson assembly so some curiosity. That Jet was a little Hot Rod, kinda the L-79 Nova of its day I think.