Is that group through this forum? I would like to learn about it and will probably join. Now that I know what engine I will be working with, I will be starting out with the stock system and as time and money permit I may be interested in modifying it. The truck will be for work. I am a sculptor and needed the flatbed to deliver my work. To date the heaviest work I have made was just over 1 ton. I am not really interested in speed, but I wouldn't complain about cruising on the freeway either. I bought the service manual for the truck and California Bill's book. I am just a hobby mechanic and this is my first inline. I used to own a 58 gmc with the 336, and I still have my daily driver 1964 chevy truck which somebody put a a 305 into.( I have been thinking of finding a 292 for that, but one thing at a time.) Again, thanks for the input.