Originally Posted By: Mean buzzen half dozen A.K.A. Hank
Looking good.

Looking @ the pics, I do not think your wastegate actuator is hooked up correctly.

I am thinking the wastegate actuator hose hooks up to the nipple on the compressor outlet, the 3 bolt flange, so it will see boost pressure. Where you have it hooked up, it will only see vacuum.


I'm not sure, but I think the hose you are seeing is the outlet for the wastegate actuator. It goes into the lower half of the actuator. Its hard to see in the picture becasue of the way the compressor is clocked, but there is another short hose that comes from the compressor outlet to the upper half of the wastegate actuator on the other side.


Last edited by GaryinMozarks; 11/28/12 12:52 PM.