Thanks for the input, keep the suggestions coming.

We have a committee in progress to how best to bring the website to the next level. I figure the ones who use the website on a daily basis are well qualified to help us determine what’s broken, what’s not, and what just needs to be changed or upgraded.

The website has been active for over 10 years now and does need a more contemporary look. When the site was started I think it was looked upon as more of a novelty, not to be taken seriously, but in this day it has become an important part of our club in communicating amongst the membership and getting our word out and hopefully attracting new members. If you used to search for Inlines, you would come up with skaters or dancers, now you are more than likely be directed to the Inliners International.

Dude, You are absolutely right about keeping a fresh look, I was frustrated about finding something new when magically the Black Opel report appeared in my mailbox (Thanks Dick Knorr). The membership can always feel free to send the webmaster their progress reports and event stories.

Big Bill, The ‘Rides’ and ‘Racing’ pages have been neglected, thanks for reminding me. Perhaps a facelift would encourage folks to participate more. The standard way to reach me is thru the Webmaster links, and all the contact info for the club officers and board members is on the website.

Beater, Thanks for the input. One of my major concerns all along has been the disconnect between the Website and the TPN, as I mentioned earlier, I don’t believe most of the club has considered the website particularly valuable. Our committee is addressing this issue to get more interaction between the two. Soon I will update the BB software to the latest version, hopefully this will help with the search issues. If a project is kept in a single thread it should be easy to follow. Maybe the next version of UBB will allow imbedding images easier.

And, yes, the folks on the BB have been rather well behaved lately (Yay!), and I thank you for that.

Keep the suggestions and comments coming. This is the third time I wrote this reply, I started early this morning and when satisfied with my note, I promptly pushed the wrong button and lost everything. This was done in Word.

Thanks guys,


Tim Tenold