Well GOT the engine fired up and brike the csm jnyesterdsy most wiring is temporary as I need to oull it ut one last time to finish all the transmission bull! For now I will save my pennies so I can buy the turbo and accessories and some shifters and get my drive line shortened but when I grt near a comouter I will post oictures and try my luck at a video..

Also to note ran a singke barrel carb engine was extremely responsive just didn't have enough air flow so i sprinkled the radiator with a hose every somoften and it stsyed right around 190 next move I guess is try the fuel injection by professiinal products the powerjection 3 see how that works to kill time while I ssve cash monies (american) ;\)

72 gmc lwb air ride 5 speed (soon) turbo 292 II# 6102