Don't have any stovebolt dyno data, but I do have some updates from the cam mfg.s I have contacted. First Clevite can't tell me anything other than .050 data (which we allready have) because they got out of the car cam business 2 years ago. I am currently checking with Car Quest to see if any are still in a warehouse or something.Price $110. Looking into MBHD's statement about a custom cam from Comp, Scott Gilbert has told me that 2 standard lobes custom ground on a cam will cost me $192.73 about $47 more than a off the shelf catolog cam. This seems very reasonable to me for what you are getting. I have also E-mailed Schneider but have not got a reply as of yet.(Just sent yesterday). I did not send Crane any request because we allready have the info. When I was reading old posts here it looks like Crane may have shut down for awhile. Anyone know what happened? Their catolog cams are $245. From what I have read here the stovebolt stock head runs out of air at a certain amount of lift and having a higher lift cam doesn't help. Does the stock 250 head have the same limit? If so what is it? Sorry for the long post but I want to thank everyone again. Jay