Hi CNC-Dude . . .

Just to clarify. These are Babbitt 'style' rods - but they have been machined for insert bearings. A must for any boost in compression ratio. So we are talking the weight of bare rods and caps . . . worth some tinkering no?

As for journal sizes. The crank is an NOS Hi-Torque just magna-fluxed, polished and balanced at the machine shop. So the bearings will be standard not oversize.

The Babbitt angle seems to be confounding the thread. 'tlowe' asked if I had any more rods "to choose from". In fact I have two sets: the machined for inserts set that I am working to 'balance' and a set of babbitt lined rods that came out of the previously running engine. This latter set would require machining for insert bearings to enter the fray . . . $
