I live in Canada too and yes there is a few inline Chev 6s available now and then, but the problem is here there avialable for only so long and if nobody buys them they get shipped to the crushers and disappear.
Untill I came to this site I thought I was the only one in the world who wanted 292s, I have bought all the 292s I could find around here for as cheap as I could get them.
As far as 250s and 230 go well 90% of those puppys get squished in a hurry around here especialy when steal price was up this past winter.
I am amazed that people on here actully want 250 engines its crazy.
Everyone around here wants v8s even rotten 305s its oposite of the way people think around here.
So if you see a nice old 292 or pre 1974 250 or 230 grab it cause were are you going to find them in 20 years.?