If you ask him my grandson thinks he ownes it now! I have the exact same engine in the car that you have now. My pipe coming out of the manifold is 2 1/4 inches. The stock exhaust stays 21/4 inches until the tailpipe which is 2 in. No 292 engines to my knowledge ever had an intergrated head either 1 or 2bbl.I worked at a Chevy dealer in 1978/79 when the 2bbl intergrated head first came out.(I was 3 years old at the time LOL) They were only used on 250s. 292s then still had seperate manifolds and a 1bbl carb. For some interesting reading go to the GM heartige center, then archive, then vehicle information kits. Download the 1979 chevy truck file and at the end is a good discription of the 2bbl truck engine. How did you determime that the 292 exhaust came out at the same place as what we have now? Jay 6155