Titan and everybody,
I thank you for the time spent managing our website. I am sure countless hours have been spent figuring out how to run this and keep it going.

I would like to bring up the discussions on what needs to happen with the BB and further it's use.

1. The BB has been broken recently and is now working. But, it is still broken from some time in the winter. What is it going to take to fix it?

2. How do we get a better BB with more features and better tools?

Many of us are Inliner (dues paying) members and are wanting a better BB.

What I would like to see is a constructive conversation on other sites that others use and what we would like to see implemented here.

This is in regards to the BB forum.

Last edited by tlowe #1716; 07/16/14 02:41 PM. Reason: Beaters Fault

Inliner Member 1716
65 Chevelle Wagon and 41 Hudson Pickup
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