\:\) ;\) That "friend" has been at every swap meet and garage I have been to in my life. Sometimes he is known as "Another guy is interested in it". The friend must be broke or something because he never ends up buying whatever it is you are interested in, but for a guy with no money he manages to get around to all those swap meets with no problem. He also must not have access to a phone because he never calls the seller back to make the buy. He does however have things to sell but prefers to let others do the selling. When you are haggling over a price you will often hear "It isn't mine I'm selling it for a friend and he told me not to drop the price, sorry".

My guess is he lives in Pennsylvania and is a folklore hero there. They even had license plates honoring him that said on the bottom.....

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend,
Mike G ( 4355 )

Mike G #4355