Ok, great news. With a worrisome tint.

I found that all of the bolts I touched were loose, maybe 1 ft-lb. My torque wrench could only be used on a few. So I practiced with it on other bolts until I got a feel for the right torque. I tightened up all of the front cover bolts and the first three crankcase bolts (can't get to the others). Leak appears to be gone!

Before I did that, I cleaned it up and cut off what I thought was a gunk of RTV. It wasn't, it was part of the front gasket. Crap, how could that have happened??? As long as it holds, we're good. A friend has a lift, we'll try to get the remaining bolts tightened there. Worst case, I'd have to lift the engine, but I think that's going to be okay.

That "brake clean" stuff may have wanted to take off the paint from the pan. I'll need to do a little painting work now too.

I put in the dye, let the engine run for 20 minutes, then a 10 minute loop with some high RPM runs. I didn't see any leaks, except the below. When I put the filler/PCV cap, I see it's really loose. Bummer that I started wiping it up before taking a better picture. Anybody have experience with the gasket being loose?

Thanks for the tips! Tom, that looks to have saved a heap of work.

'67 Camaro L6-250