As you may know the founders of this Club where all GM guys and therefore the Club was for them and like minded people. It wasn't until later that they welcome ALL those interested in "Inlines" engines to join them. I took a quick look at the 2017 Club Roster and it is hard to find many members who are not GM people and I can understand why they might assume you are talking about a 250 Chevy and not 250 Fords.

I can understand your frustration. Because you bring up some good points and we would want to include all "Inliners", I'm inviting you to jumping in and helps us correct these problem as you see them. We certainly could use your insight and knowledge.

While I'm asking, how about becoming the Michigan Chapter Leader? We need someone to fill that vacant position. You are a very busy person this I know. But, it has been my experience if you ask a busy person to help they will and do a great job, I hope you will accept my invitation to fill this position.

Luke Lucas

Luke Lucas I.I. #516