Hi Scrap . . .

Sorry for the delay in responding - I have been monitoring the 'remember me' feature . . . and having to wait several days to observe behavior . . .

The ability to remain logged in to the Forums is implemented using cached objects known as web-browser 'cookies'. If you choose "My Stuff>cookies" from the top bar you will see one of the cookies that is in play: 'ubbt_myid'. This cookie is set by the Forum after successful login. The cookie is issued with an expiration date one WEEK into the future. So long as the browser window is not closed one can expect to remain logged into the Forums for one week before being challenged again for a user-id and password. Closing the browser (or rebooting the machine) discards this memory resident cookie.

When selecting the 'remember me' flag an additional persistent cookie is set in the web-browser 'ubbt-x'. This cookie is issued with an expiration date one YEAR into the future. Testing so far has revealed that this cookie is persisting between browser close and even PC reboot events . . . But it is not being respected beyond one week! As soon as one week has passed the presence of the unexpired 'ubbt-x' cookie is ignored.

This is the crux of the issue. Now to figure out how to wrest control.
