Originally Posted By: Beater of the Pack

I have a civilian 302 with a Hydra-Matic. The engine is frozen and I can not get them apart. I really haven't tried too hard. I do know that the blocks were factory mated to the housing that the trans mounted to. I don't know how that compares to the later automatics. The torque converter is a totally different animal. Two piece withs a big cork gasket and a million bolts. Some GMC cranks had 4 bolts and some had 6. Hot riders sometimes drilled the 4 bolt cranks to 8. You will probably have to build or modify a modern flex plate to hook up a modern torque converter. The old hydros built right are bullet proof but you will want an OD of some sort for today's driving. Gear Vender?

oof... If this were somehow the original engine / trans package I would feel more inclined to try and find a way to run it long term. As it stands I think I'd end up sinking enough money into building whats there up right as I would just swapping something modern. I've priced gear vendors stuff for my Nova since I don't have OD either on that and it always ends in sticker shock...

Last edited by hotrod6657; 06/08/21 07:40 PM.