I'm not sure if they are the same or not, but I tore down the 1953 235 that was in my car and the bolts were not the the same. I need to go back and look at the 235 bolts to remember why they would not work in the 261.The 261 has been rebuilt befor I got it so I'm wondering if the rods may not be stock? The bolts I have are 2 1/4 " long. The bolts sent to me from ARP are 1 7/8" long. Their package says they are 194-292 c.i.d. rod bolts. Maybe they just sent the wrong ones.
Drew- I'll do some checking and let you know.
Thanks for the offer! I'll check napa with gearheads part number on Monday and also plan to call Obsolete parts and Tom Langdon.