Thanks guys,

I havent had the time to respond since i have such a busy scheudle.

Just incase anybody is interested in how i got my nova running heres how I did it. (I think its an entertaining story, so even if your not interested, its a fun read.)

Well thursday morning I got up around 5am. I checked the inliners forum for replys to my post. as soon as I was fully awake, I started to work on the Nova. I couldnt find anything in my hardware rack that would fit in the idle mixture thread. I asked a few car buddys what they would do, one said to get 2 or 3 twisty ties (the wire and plastic things they put on plastic bread bags). and twist them together as tight as possible and stick it in the thead. I tried that and she ran fine until i put her in drive, the engine would violently shake and then quit.

by this point It was noon. I noticed a neibor had an international harvester wagaon. hes on vactaion, i thought maybe hes got a rochester 1barrel on it. it was worth a look. so I popped his hood and looked. By golly there was a 1bbl carb. i called his cell and asked him if I could, borrow his idle mix screw. he was in stitches laughing. once he got his wits about him. he said, he has a spare carb in the garage. and I could have the idle screw. i was very happy. I thanked him and took off the idle screw. put it on my carb and tuned her up real nice. me and ol' blue lived happily ever after.

The end.

thanks again guys.

1976 Chevrolet Nova Hatchback, "Old Blue", with 250 inline six.