I agree with Walt, but I would like to add another thought. Before any of us respond to a post we should read it at least twice to make sure we understand what the writer was saying and that we didn't miss anything. I have noticed many responses that the responder had obviously miss read the post.
I have been messing with engines since the fifties and have tried many different things and have discovered that things we believed as absolute fact then has been proved wrong now. A classic example that was tought in school text books was, man would never be able to go to the moon because he would expire from old age due to the number of light years it would take to make the trip. Also when I was a young man if someone would have told me that Japan would design a small four cyl car that could be modified to blow the doors off of a big block I would have thought they were nuts.

If you do decide that you want to install a balance tube on your system don't butt weld the pipes either cut the pipe and slot it so that it supplies more contact surface or take another section of pipe and make a plate over your joints this will allow the pipe to last till corrosion takes it apart.

Build it your way listen to old ideas add new ideas and hopefully you will come up with something that works better than all us "OLD TIMERS" ever thought about. If I had stopped everytime someone told me what I was trying wouldn't work, I would have missed out on a lot of things, some good some bad.
Becareful & Have Fun,
Big Bill

Been there, Done that, Hope to live long enough to do it again.
Big Bill
I.I.# 4698