4onthefloor, of course I have the receipts, this is allot more than just change the oil and a coat of paint as well as all the external parts being new the only thing old on the inside of the engine is the crank and rods everything else is new, and i really don't thing you could compare this to a smoking motor.
Hitork, sorry to offend you, but I just cant get into these 6 cylinders, I have a blown and injected 41 willys and an olds 442 with a built 455 and driving around with this 53 Chevy 6 cylinder is like driving around on my lawn tractor. i quess those old motors were good in there day but when your driving down the road and get passed by Volkswagens and sometimes even getting passed by guys in good shape on 10 speed bikes something aint kosher, well i quess i got my answer that the motor isn't worth anything, its a shame because the guy that i purchased the car from put all this money into the motor I quess it was a waste of time, after I put the V8 in my Chevy I think I am going to put the 6 cylinder in a go-cart for my kids to putt around the field, well thanks all for your help and i really love this website. Beat53